
You actually also see that Frank shuffle in the whiskey bar in "Charlie Rules The World" and to "Come On Ride The Train" in "Psycho Pete Returns". Classic Frank

It would suck, but in order to keep Howerton on the show, they may have to go on an extended hiatus. If that was the only way to keep him, I'd grudgingly have to accept it. The show can't be good without any one member of the Gang. Going off of what NameTBD said, I'm somewhat under the assumption that Howerton just

How does Charlie get all this poison? First in "The Gang Reignites The Rivalry" and now this! Wonder if he kept those chocolates in the relish jar at home.

I liked the sort of pun that Dee kept making when she said she was "a rock". Sounds a lot like "Iraq". Good to see more of Paddy's too!

This was hands down the best episode of Sunny this season! The fact that they dropped so many bombs tonight speaks to the fact that this show will do the things that no other show (minus premium channel shows) will do. Bravo to Sunny and FXX!

I was really hoping for The Gang reenacting Maureen's death and the crime show tropes to be somewhat minimal. The only part that I really actually enjoyed was at the end when they went back to the Sunny style at Paddy's.

Yeah, the last 3 haven't hit 20 minutes. And I've noticed they've only played the typical Sunny music in the waterpark episode. I hope these aren't permanent adjustments.

"The fastest-selling marketplace is Muslim extremists!"

Anyone else think they were trying to also take a stab at "Full House" with the "Old Lady House" logo and font?

I think Mac and Dee, though not with much to do, are the best in this episode. Dee is so good at selling claustrophobia and physical comedy/anger. Mac's enjoyment with the drain at the end was such a good final note for the episode.

Not a bad season opener! For those long-time Sunny fans, I love that Dennis makes a comment about not giving a shit about other people's dreams, a comment that calls back to a comment in the very first episode of Sunny. "Dee, I don't want to hear about your dreams. I hate when people talk about their dreams. They're

Very aside comment, but I always love the music that's on the show! I'm excited that this season is off to (what I think is) a great start! Looking forward to the next 9 weeks of my favorite comedy block of IASIP and MSW!

I'm a big fan of bottle episodes if the show can pull it off and this was actually my favorite next to "The One Where No One's Ready" from Friends. It was so relatable in that I would be caught up in all those shenanigans with my friends had that been me.

Did anyone else notice that their cabin room number at the beginning of the episode was H666? Too fitting for this whole 2-parter to not be either a dream sequence or just be coincidental with the title.
Also, since Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs, this season has been on a major upswing! I think the weakest

I sort of agree with the B on this one, though it B to B+ is fair. I'm getting tired of Maureen and I'm glad they didn't use her much, and I think the usage of Uncle Jack and The Lawyer were solid. I'm just itching to get out of the nostalgia tropes and into a more "original" episode where the 5 members of the Gang