John Robie

"to the" or "with a" ?

Malia Obama?

So you're suggesting Mel Gibson and Chris Brown team host?  They're already hated and misogynistic.

I nearly suggested Paul F. Tompkins when we were talking about hosts yesterday.  I think he'd be great.

@Scrawler2:disqus I was actually about to say exactly the opposite thing.  Plus I don't think that's an impression, I think she just is a theater kid.

What could you possibly juxtapose with the Fantastic Four that isn't already something that's appeared in Fantastic Four comics?

This is exactly right.  Often on Top Chef, a cook will get dinged for making their version of their Granda's [some french word] with the judges scoffing "that's not [some french word]."

Just wear one really thick one.

Nope, she married all of them. It's a Bhagavadgita situation.

Well I'm willing to put down 400 Quatloos on the newcomer right now.

"Heimdall" Idris Elba.

NPH and possibly Justin Timberlake

As long as the Drunken Ghost of Ed MacMahon is available, I'm sold.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing.

Kristen Stewart and James Franco. The theme will be "not giving a fuck."

I think the only thing that could have salvaged Michelle Obama's (IMHO) embarrassing and unnecessary Oscar appearance would have been Jack Nicholson making a Clint Eastwood joke immediately afterward.

Must have been a matter of perception, I think what you took as off-the cuff, breezy confidence, looked to me like someone trying way too hard to look like he was too cool for the gig he was playing. 

Oh yeah?! Well you remind me of a more boring version of  . . . um  . . .shut up!

She could play Sabalom Glitz's sexy sister.

Glamorous Magazine Publishing obviously, because it's a TV show and there's no such thing as an "architecture CEO"