

He didn't mention Diggle in his list because it was explicitly a list of people who had come back into his life since the island and who he didn't want to lose him AGAIN, was the point.

*whistles* Taloraan …

I can't believe I've caught up with the reviews. I'm very saddened. They've really been enhancing my B5 re-watch.

I'm months late but I'm still going to add my two credits' worth.

Obviously I'm unbelievably late to this, but I'm just doing my B5 rewatch now, so. Maybe this time I'll make it to the end with the help of these recaps (which I am loving).

Obviously I'm unbelievably late to this, but I'm just doing my B5 rewatch now, so. Maybe this time I'll make it to the end with the help of these recaps (which I am loving).

I don't usually comment, because by the time I've downloaded the show and watched it there's always like 1,000 comments ahead and most of them have generally said whatever I want to say anyway.

Thank you. Of course.

OK, I apologise in advance for the no-doubt ridiculousness of the question, but this is bothering me so much I just registered and am making my first/only comment to ask.