Oscar Leroy


There's a truck stop there that's surprisingly metropolitan.

I love this site.

Me neither!  And I wear these eyelid clamps because they are comfortable.

That's "you're" not "your".

If anonymous guys on the internet don't stand up to defend the wealthy and privileged  who have their own outlet of expression on a national cable network, who will?

That's what makes her the voice of her generation!

How about "Siberia Borschtovich"?

He should just get his kid a show on HBO and leave it at that.

Heehee, "bun".

I'll wait for the movie version of the novelization.

*giggle giggle* "titular"!

But that's the most important factor in judging a show, not the acting or writing.  Because…well, just because.

" something as delightful-in-its-own-way as The Big Bang Theory."

I thank you.


Or easy skirt, short script.

And then released a book of poetry!

I used to be a cashier, and half of my coworkers needed food stamps.