Oscar Leroy

What, do you want to have SOCIALISM instead???

Yet another troubled relationship saved by having a baby.

They do!  I know from experience.

Poor Jillian.

More like "here is some money, go make a TV show, aaaaand your show is cancelled!  Next."

Ben Hoffman's show was funny but "Nathan for You" has me busting a gut.

I like Tom's command of the English language.

Plenty, at least in the audience, if I have anything to say about it.


" I think the problem with the commercial is that he's described as the brains and she is described as the beauty. "

That article blows.

You're making that up.

There was a time when SNL might have had Werner as host.  Not anymore, sadly.

Well he does look greasy in that picture up top.  There must be enough petroleum by-product in his hair to float a barge.

Post of the day.

"In today's football action, the Roughriders defeated the Roughriders. "

Isn't that the truth!  Either you've been there or you have a whole lot of empathy for people who have.

Don't talk to the Mindy Project, alright?!!?  Knock it off!!!

Wake up Scrawler!  You're dreaming now!

Yes.  Yes she is.