Intertidal Being

Apparently the US Navy is getting pretty sloppy about who it recruits, what with Liam Neeson seemingly being an admiral, or whatever he is. Or maybe it's now the US/Barbados/Ireland Navy?

Yet you apparently have an internet connection so torrent it-it's not the same, but it's at least more economical than a 600 mile round-trip.

Also, 'bilious'

Hand of Fate is fairly unknown, has some great growly vocals, as Hear God Laugh points out, and is ridiculously good, considering it was knocked out as a way to audition potential new guitarists (the guitar-slinger on the track knocks the solo out the park).

Do Ya think I'm Sexy is the crowning work of western culture.

You cannot say the movie won't be very good-I just won't have it.

Ten one dollar bills, or bills of ten dollars? My fetish is pretty specific.