
No decent person should eat at Jimmy John's either. Trophy hunting is also an act of depravity and cowardice.

It doesn't get better than hanging a high five out to a blind guy. I'm still not sure if seacrest is just that stupid or a huge asshole?

Hanzi smatter
Has anyone mentioned the awesomeness of that site yet? (as usual I cannot be bothered to sift through 850 comments to be sure.) It is my favorite idiot tattoo blog. And I am a huge fan of idiot tattoos.

I liked early weezer
But as I sat at my desk listening to this sample track I kept thinking-God I can't wait 'til this is over.
Then I remembered! *click* Thanks Pause button!

no no no. OMAR is the gay one.

Yes! And why didn't she fall?!! Fuck! There was no other reason for her to be flung around like a dog toy other then for her to break her neck.

Thank you AV Club!
Every once in a while I enjoy physically wincing at truly embarrassing or uncomfortable things. The t.a.t.u. and Fall Out Boy clips did it for me again. Please don't do this too often as it is only fun on rare occasions.
your friend,

How long…
before we hear 'You're Choired!' awkwardly exclaimed by one of these idiots?
I hope it's not Patti LaBelle. She's the only half way respectable one in the lot.

I have to admit I took her to be another vapid entitled teen actress on a show I'll never watch. But this direct action/arrest warrant stuff makes her into a real person. And much hotter too.

No no no
To clear his head and escape the endless pain he does a slo-mo meditative version of the Mashed Potato.