
We got rid of cable in March of 2015. I bought the season of "The MIddle" on itunes for something like $30.00. Every Thursday after a new episode I can download it and watch it. That's the only show I buy, because it's the best show on the air. I actually have all 7 season on itunes.

In the Thanksgiving episode, when Sue is working at the mall in hopes of seeing Logan, Brad mentions noticing another guy who works there. But that's all I can remember.

Season 3 episode 11 had Frankie getting everyone to pick names out of a hat to give each other New Years resolutions, but the shows were completely different.

The same with Brock Ciarlelli, who plays Brad on "The MIddle" - his IMDb page only says the ages he can play, not his actual birth date.

I agree this wasn't a great episode. And you're right, it has been a very, very long time since this series has gotten a grade this bad - Season 3, Episode 13. More than 4 seasons! Does any other show reviewed on the AV Club get such consistently good reviews?

To be fair, Luke was using Gloria's computer because he was writing the fake note to Manny's school.

The further we get from February29th the more I worry that Sue Heck won't get the Leap Day birthday she deserves (especially after the one she got in 2012.)

Forg, I have to disagree with your saying Brick would have had to know about a movie adaptation coming out. He reads books, but he's pretty clueless about the rest of society at large. Except for one episode where he got too involved in the internet he seems to like just reading books. Remember, this is the boy who

I can't remember the episode a few years back where Sue says her first college roommate won't be her best friend, but that her second college roommate will be. This girl can plan ahead! And she deserves a girl like Lexie.
This is not only my favorite show currently on the air, but my favorite show all-time. "Odd

I seem to remember an episode last year (?) when Sue is talking about what college will be like, and how she won't get along so much with her first roommate but either her second roommate or her roommate sophomore year and her will become best friends. So maybe Holly is just a necessary step for Sue.

Will Harris's callback to "Major Changes" in Season 3 shows what a great series "The Middle" is. Not only was 'Major Changes" one of only two episodes to receive less than a B- in the 3+ years that he's been reviewing the show (the other, "Hecking It Up", also from Season 3 received a C+), but the following week he

Another terrific episode of the best show on TV. When Ruth showed up to watch Brick I thought we might see all the Wrestlerettes, and I was looking forward to seeing Brick following in his siblings' footsteps and spending time with Weird Ashley. But how can you not love Chuck? Bemibet loves Chuck! Bemibet is always

I don't know if it's been said by anyone else, but my favorite callback is when Frankie grabs the burnt quilt out of the oven while trying to stem the water gushing out of the sink.

I'm shocked - shocked! - that no mention was made of Axl giving a shout-out (of sorts) to the AV Club. I have to say, I hope the reviews these two shows aren't always linked, I don't watch "The Goldbergs" and I have to admit to being saddened that there are so many more posts about that show than "The MIddle".

Regarding the Emmy process brought up last week, I'd pick the best 6 episodes of "The MIddle" over the best 6 episodes of "Modern Family" any day of the week. Actually, I'd pick the second-best set of 6 episodes from "The MIddle" over the 6 best episodes of "Modern Family." Unfortunately it's not just quality that

What kind of a theater shows both "The Sound of Music" and"Death Wish" on the same day? And what kind of a dad takes his 14 year old (?) son to see a movie that opens up with a rape-murder?