Not me!
Not me!
rini, didn't you read his handle? He's bored AND cynical. Commenting on shows he doesn't watch or is deeply ashamed to watch is what he was born to do. It may be mind-bogglingly depressing when you think about it, but… that comment was his Rushmore. It should be treated with reverence despite the overwhelming…
I may be the only person who feels this way, but…
I prefer Top Chef Masters to regular Top Chef. I like that there's less manufactured drama. I'm almost to the point where I wish they'd eliminate the challenges. I'd watch a show where these amazing chefs came out week after week and just cooked the most interesting…
It was her thumb. I only point it out because I worked in a restaurant and had to do the same thing once.
I may be the only one who feels this way…
I wouldn't mind Top Chef Masters just being "Cook the best thing you can cook" every week. No gimmicks. No twists. Just some of the best Chefs in the country practicing their art. Maybe they wouldn't be able to get as good a selection of contestants because the risk to ego…
Don't worry about it, bro… some men you just can't reach.
I'm of the opinion that New Yorkers forfeit their right to look down their noses at other cities' cultural and culinary scenes until the real housewives heads are mounted on pikes in Rockefeller center.
You tell 'em Zeppo.
I've become increasingly anti-Bourdain over this season, but I have to admit that I really enjoyed that post. I prefer his writing when he favors analysis over quips.
Meh. When you start to feel bad about the animosity that gets misdirected at Suri or the fact that she's going to be raised by horrible people who will indoctrinate her into a horrible religious system… just remind yourself that she'll still be living a life of luxury your mind isn't even capable of processing while…
I'm pretty sure that the Jersey and Real Housewives phenomena are karmic payback for the term "flyover country."
I don't think Angelo is a serial killer. I look at him and think, "Is this a guy who has the fortitude to dig a pit in his basement? Is this a guy who knows where to put the lotion?"
Wasn't Marcel one of the characters in the second 'Parappa the Rapper' game? I'm pretty sure he trained under Master Onion…
Re: Fabio melting American womens' hearts