Dharma Bumstead

Schlessinger and Mike Viola did that very show at a small venue here in Los Angeles about four years or so ago.

Taking this opportunity to rewatch "The Godfather." In the first scene with Abe Vigoda at the wedding he's holding an orange.

finished watching season 7 of "Mad Men." It was sad saying goodbye to Don, Peggy, Joan, Pete, Roger, Sally, and all the others…
Right now, listening to The Beatles "Love" CD….

Hypocrisy is a necessary ingredient in being political these days.
Trust me, if a Republican were pulling the same crap that Obama is with his foreign policy of drone strikes that kill civilians (and in some cases, American citizens) big mouths like Tom Morello, Steve Earle and Bruce Springsteen would have something to

Is it to "Yakety Sax?" Please say it's to "Yakety Sax."

"it's always a bummer when it just ends with a money shot and doesn't explain what happened to the characters."

Finished so far this month:
"Once in a Great City" about Detroit in the early 60s. As this is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I will point out that King gave an early version of the "I Have a Dream" speech in Detroit two months before the March on Washington. That story gets related in this book, along with Motown,

One of the many things I came away with after reading the Halberstam book was how close the U.S. could have been to a military dictator with MacArthur.

A friend recommended "The Cartel" to me just last week. Didn't know it was a sequel to another book until checking into it at the LA Library website. I have a hold on "The Power of the Dog" and should have it in a couple of weeks.

Like a few others here, I stopped eating fast food, albeit only for about six months or so, after reading "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser.
Since then, for general health (and financial) reasons I have gotten away from eating bad fast food for the most part. It's been more than 2 1/2 years since I've been to a

Worth reading for that final line alone:

"I'm an exceptional thief!"

"Ain't there one damn song that can make me break down and cry-high?"

Having just re-read "It" last month, I began to think about how the scene from "11/22/63" fits into the timeline. That scene, IIRC, was between Richie and Beverly, correct? (The one where they are dancing.) But they didn't know each other until meeting during the summer of 1958 when going after Pennywise/giant Spider.

Wrapped up watching season 4 of "Boardwalk Empire." Good thing I hadn't gone back to read the review on the season finale as then I would have known beforehand that Richard Harrow dies.
Started watching season 7 of "Mad Men." Yeah, so I am behind, so what? I don't have cable. Got a big chuckle when Pete Campbell made

Los Angeles wants the Olympics. At least there are already enough venues for holding the sporting events at.
And from what I understand about the 1984 Olympics, traffic was not that bad for those two weeks.

My pop culture weekend started on Wednesday night and has not finished yet.
I've been watching the extended editions of both "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings," which I will wrap up today with "Return of the King."
This was my first re-watching of "The Hobbit" movies since they were in the theaters. I still think

This is a push, push, push business, Williams. Push, push, push!

As a reporter working in Chicago, I covered Erickson's escape attempt from the federal building. A co-worker was headed down the ramp to the underground parking lot at the Dirksen building and almost stepped on Erickson's body.
Another friend used to go to the used bookstore that Erickson owned out in the suburbs.

Dickety? Highly dubious!