Dharma Bumstead

I recently read the updated version of the oral history, "Live From New York," and combined that with watching all of season 1 of the show.
While the book was interesting it was in serious need of a good editor - it was just too long and repetitive. I stopped watching SNL on active, regular basis about 20 years ago so

I don't have time to read through the 500 comments, so this likely has already been mentioned but Lennon directly lifted the "I'd rather see you dead little girl" line for "Run For Your Life" from an Arthur Crudup song, "Baby Let's Play House."
As for this overall list - meh.
The Beatles did weak songs but in the

Not that I don't like "Get Back" but the G song should be "Got to Get You into My Life," Paul McCartney's ode to herbal jazz cigarettes…
(And the L song should be "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds")

I was out the other night with a friend who works for Warner Bros. and even she agreed that this movie was going to bomb. But then, it probably didn't cost that much to make to begin with.

A few years back I did a story about ILM's origins in Van Nuys. It was such a joy to interview some of the guys who started there, including John Dykstra. I think the stories I heard were better than the ones in this piece. One told me that on the first day he walked in all he saw was a phone on a folding table.

Went and saw "Mad Max: Fury Road" this morning. Wow! WOw! WOW! What a fun movie. This is the kind of action film that is made for 3-D. The vehicles this time around were spectacular. Nice call back to "The Road Warrior" when one of the breeders plays the small hand-cranked musical instrument that Max had in that film.

Are you saying that no one in the millennial generation will get "The Grungies?"

"Highway Patrolman" by Bruce Springsteen.
If I am listening to the "Nebraska" album I will listen all the way through, including this song which I have serious problems with. (I also happen to like the Johnny Cash version as well.)
The song has a narrator that enables and covers up for his violent prone brother, who by

Having recently finished re-reading "The Shining" for the first time in some 25 years, I decided that I would check out film versions. The Stanley Kubrick version arrives this week from Netflix. So it was the Stephen King produced and penned version I watched this weekend. Ugh.
I knew 15 minutes in that this would be a

Continuing with my "one Stephen King a month" project, this month it was "The Shining." This was the first time in probably nearly 25 years I have read this book. I kept hearing Jack Nicholson's voice with all of the Jack Torrance dialogue.
To go along with my viewing of season 1 of "Saturday Night Live," I've been

i saw the Dead at Alpine Valley in Wisconsin the summer of 1988. Went with my sister and her then boyfriend, who was a huge fan. After the intermission the band starts in with "Space/Drums." I turn to my sister's boyfriend and asked when was the band going to stop tuning up and actually play.
"They are playing," he

Hands down my favorite all-time Hitchcock movie.
It is just awe inspiring that the film takes place in just one room yet manages to have all the other subplots going on in the apartments - Miss Lonely Hearts, the newlywed couple, the woman with the dog, the murderer, the composer played by the voice of The Chipmunks.

After that one episode when Don Draper's wife played that record by some group called The Beagles or The Bleatles, I had to find out more about them…

Agreed, even with the misspelling in the title.

Find the song "She's Not the Enemy."

For those in Los Angeles, this film screens on April 16 as part of the American Cinematheque's annual Film Noir festival at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood.

I was covering an awards show two years ago here in Los Angeles at which Harrison Ford was a presenter. In the media room he came off as very stiff and uncomfortable with the whole situation. He did partake of the free food. After taking his sandwich from the tray he turns around and there I was face to face with

There's a sly, blink and you might miss it reference to The Beatles in at least one episode in a later season.

"Tapioca Tundra!" "Tapioca Tundra!"
(Actually, I don't know the song that well. I just like saying Tapioca Tundra.)

Despite living three blocks away from the Dolby Theatre, I am not watching the Oscars. Awards shows do nothing for me. Will watch "Paths of Glory" instead.
Started reading "The Bully Pulpit," about Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the muckraking journalists of McClure's magazine.
Watched "Hitchcock." Only when