Dharma Bumstead

The more you read about both Oswald and Ruby, there is a strong realization that those two were the LAST people you would want to have in your conspiracy.

Kennedy is the most over-rated president of the 20th Century.

Finished reading "Destiny of the Republic" two weeks ago. A great read and highly recommended.

Currently filming here in Woodland Hills…

I used to work there, although started a year after the movie came out. That it was filmed there was still a huge deal and remains so to some extent. A restaurant did open in the space where there was one created for the film but it would go out of business a few years later.

Giving a tip of the hat to Woodstock, Ill. standing in for Punxsutawney.

At an awards so early this year, I was backstage and who should sit down next to me but Dennis Muren, the VFX supervisor for "Jurassic Park" (and a lot of other movies). When he looked up from the notes he was reading - he was to introduce Ang Lee - I said to him that I recently had seen the trailer for the 3D release

I first read "On the Road" in my early 20s, and thought much as you do of it being an over-rated book. I agreed with Capote's famous quip about the book being more typing than writing.
A few years ago I re-read the book. And I came away with a different opinion - I actually liked it. What struck me most was how the

I'll put in a plug for the oral history on ESPN - entertaining and informative.

And the Gummy Venus de Milo carved by gummy artisans who work exclusively in the medium of gummy…

Finished reading "Doctor Sleep," the new one from Stephen King. It was good that the wordiness of his previous two novels - "Under the Dome" and "11/22/63" - were dispensed with here. The one twist toward the end, however, was a bit too much to take.

The ending of the original Dutch version of "The Vanishing."
Scary stuff.

But the entrance to the Bat Cave can be found in Bronson Canyon in a back area of Griffith Park. The Bronson caves also appeared in the original version of "Invasion of The Body Snatchers."

The writing style is dense, so it is a struggle at times to read "Looking Backward," And there are the extended monologues of explanation of how society go to where it was in Bellamy's year 2000.
Yes, he was off on how corporations grew so big that government had to take them over. But he did write about the credit

Currently reading:
"Doctor Sleep," by Stephen King
"Destiny of the Republic," about the assassination of President James Garfield
"Looking Backward." by Edward Bellamy; it's been 30 years since I first read it.

"And why the elevation of him as the musical activist of the era, both by the fans and the FBI, irritates me."

Top 10 favorite Lennon songs in no particular order (after the first two):

"Imagine" wouldn't make it into my top 10 of favorite Lennon songs.

I get what the "joke" was supposed to be about, and that it's supposed to make John Lennon be all edgy by making a cocaine reference in 1964.
But then you have to consider that when The Beatles filmed "A Hard Day's Night" they were still in their uppers/scotch and coke phase; they wouldn't even be exposed to pot until

Nope. That long-time myth, which I first heard more than 30 years, has been busted by the DVD version of the film, Those are Pepsi bottles that Norm and Shake bring in to the railway car. But it makes for a good story.