Dharma Bumstead

I could have written this same posting.

Agreed. Seen it five times and going for a sixth in April.

"Parallel Bars" - Robbie Fulks with Kelly Willis

I saw it in a theater in Champaign, Illinois while at the U of I. It was the theater that showed indepedent and arts films in downtown Champaign, not the first run theater closer to campus.

Not Jack London but Nelson Algren.

Neko Case. *sigh*

Was going to mention "The Dark Tower" as well. I read the first two books years ago when first published but lost interest in continuing the series. I've wondered if I should give the series another try.

I read it in four days. Yes, it's that compelling of a read.

I read it in four days. Yes, it's that compelling of a read.

Saputo's. That's where the movers and shakers eat.

Saputo's. That's where the movers and shakers eat.

Introducing… I don't see any scenario in which it can possibly tank.

Introducing… I don't see any scenario in which it can possibly tank.

"Diamonds are Forever" would had been much better had it followed the source material more closely - a good, simple, basic diamond heist. The movie is too cartoonish. (I'm thinking particularly of the scene where Connery is driving the moon vehicle.)

"Diamonds are Forever" would had been much better had it followed the source material more closely - a good, simple, basic diamond heist. The movie is too cartoonish. (I'm thinking particularly of the scene where Connery is driving the moon vehicle.)

I cannot for the life of me recall anything about the plot of "Quantum of Solace." A major disappointment because I thought "Casino Royale" was so good.

I cannot for the life of me recall anything about the plot of "Quantum of Solace." A major disappointment because I thought "Casino Royale" was so good.

"Can you honestly tell me you forgot? Forgot the magnetism of Robin Zander, or the charisma of Rick Nielsen?"

"Can you honestly tell me you forgot? Forgot the magnetism of Robin Zander, or the charisma of Rick Nielsen?"

Heard that Mike Ness version about a month ago for the first time. Makes me want to get the whole album.
As for favorite, how about "Tomorrow is a Long Time" by Elvis Presley.