A Nice Tee

Khlebnikov by Danny Michel.
He wrote and recorded the album in 2016 aboard the Russian ice breaker Kapitan Khlebnikov during an 18-day arctic expedition. He was invited on the journey by Canadian astronaut Col. Chris Hadfield, along with a small group of scientists, photographers, writers, musicians, and videographers

Just started watching the BBC Sherlock series with Mr. Tee. I never finished all the seasons and he's never seen anything from it. Quite fun!

The Second Siege by Henry H. Neff. It's the second book in his Tapestry series. The first book was quite Harry Potterish, but this book is branching out a bit and is an engaging and quick read.

Sorry for the loss of your friend. The memorial will be tough but hopefully a nice way to say goodbye.

Enjoy and make it the most weekendy weekend possible!

I wish we had more community dances! It seems like the only time I get to dance is at weddings. I'm much too old for bars with their kids and their hippity-hoppity music!

Thanks, Mister! I've just seen photos so far and you can't snuggle those as easily!

What are you looking forward to this weekend? I finally get to travel to see my brand new niece, born on July 2 and CAN'T FREAKING WAIT! I can't have children and being the best auntie ever will be the next best thing.

Oooh I think that I've found myself a cheerleader! She is always right there when I need her….

Yeah, I've noticed how easy it is to forget the outside world when we're in the thick of it. I definitely need to maintain friendships and do things for me.

Loving someone with depression is one of the hardest things I've ever done. I know, I know - it's tougher actually living with depression, but this is no cake walk. If anyone could share stories and encouragement, it would mean a lot.

Hot Rods on road trips (casing filled with greasy sawdust? yes please!), and health fudge (made with peanut butter, honey, carob powder, and a bunch of seeds, nuts, and raisins) while camping.

Their Greek chips were amazing, but I think they stopped making them. Our house's new favourite is their blue cheese and buffalo wing.

I'm Canadian and I don't like hockey or the Tragically Hip but, BY GAWD, at least I love ketchup chips!

Oh my poor Georgia Mud Fudge! The best Blizzard that ever was or will be!

I LOVED Gordon Korman's "No Coins, Please" and "Don't Care High," or anything in the Macdonald Hall series. Apparently he's written a crap-load since, too. Maybe I'll have to check out something more recent.

Wes Anderson, the Coen Brothers, Kurt Vonnegut (sadly, not getting anything new from him anymore), and William Kotzwinkle.

I went to the Simpsons movie by myself and, to my horror, found myself sobbing when Homer says to Marge, "I don't think about things. I respect people who do, but I just try to make the days not hurt until I get to crawl in next to you again." My recently-single heart shattered at that moment.

My favourite T&S song is "Frozen" from my favourite album, This Business of Art. I'm not sure why more people don't love that album. That being said, I'll likely buy Sainthood because I'm a sucker for these women.

Loved it when Sue discovered that it's the guy that wears the zoot suit. I can't remember the line but it made me laugh.