
Typical Layman appearance in any thread on any comic book forum, ever:

Typical Layman appearance in any thread on any comic book forum, ever:

Last person to shout "Five!" whenever a character on this show says, "Ben Fox," take a drink.

Last person to shout "Five!" whenever a character on this show says, "Ben Fox," take a drink.

Kinda shocked they didn't go for the obvious joke of calling brunette Caroline "Lea Michele."

Kinda shocked they didn't go for the obvious joke of calling brunette Caroline "Lea Michele."

This show does an excellent job of reminding me that they don't let black people be Spider-Man.

This show does an excellent job of reminding me that they don't let black people be Spider-Man.

Olivia Munn as dual-PhD economist = Denise Richards as nuclear scientist.

Olivia Munn as dual-PhD economist = Denise Richards as nuclear scientist.

I enjoyed Emma Rios' artwork more when she was drawing under the name 'Paul Pope'.

I enjoyed Emma Rios' artwork more when she was drawing under the name 'Paul Pope'.

The thing I found most distracting was how all the main characters looked like Anna Kendrick's stunt doubles. I kept expecting them to set aside their first-world-problems pity party to visit the set of "Up in the Air 2."

You forgot to ask Aaron about the most important part of his CBR column — those unresolved daddy issues he kept taking out on Alan Moore.

"The replacement Po, Mick Wingert…"