Just a Nigga that Likes Tittie

Your professor was an ass. There is a difference between saying "this artist is a reprehensible person, but made good art," and "hey - you know that 'reprehensible' stuff they did? Not really that bad!"


Maybe I'm crazy, but I haven't seen anything stereotypically Asian about Leong's roles all together. Is Chang seen as stereotypically Asian? What am I missing here?

Fuck Fox. I understand where homeboy is coming from, but I don't hate being a black man. I *DO* hate all the goddamn racism, though.

Maaaahhhhhhhh… fucking FINE. I'll get used to it. But I don't have to like it.

I like Eric Andre. I think it's hilarious!

You're using the term "liberal" in inconsistent ways. You use it to refer to an economic philosophy based around capitalism and private property. Ironically people who identify as political liberals are far more likely to support stringent regulation on corporations than conservatives. Political liberalism is not

Uh huh. Remind me who it was that pushed to repeal the Voting Rights Act & happily began imposing voting restrictions in the South? And which SCOTUS Justices supported this? Was it the "liberals"?

The only way you can say punk "is thriving to this day," in comparison to grunge (!!!) is if you completely ignore record sales and profitability.

No. Liberals and conservatives differ on:
Gay rights
Drug laws
Rights to privacy
Voting rights
Women's rights
Affirmative action
Transgender identity & rights

You realize OP did write "conservative-liberal," right? S/he's either mentally ill, a troll, or both.

Well, he's also a fucking asshole. So there's that.


Go away.

I am frankly shocked that a form of entertainment based around hypermasculine images of the white übermensch in the 1980s would have such questionable racial baggage attached.

Fucking bingo. ^^^ this guy gets it. (On a real, though? Now I want to watch this movie again).

Yes, but they're Chinese. It's not like we're talking about debt held by good, white, Christian nations. We're talking about the inscrutable Orientals, for God's sake!

Not just The Ring - motherfucking Mulholland Drive. That movie was almost unbearably tense and horrifying at times.

The ending of that article is verging on shock jock bullshit. If it didn't have literally the last sentence, it would be pretty decent. But the last sentence is like a fleck of shit on a chocolate cheese cake. It doesn't matter how good the rest of the cake is - it still has a fleck of shit on it.

Dawg, I may be 'unpretentious' in my love for McDonald's: that does not mean that it's good fucking food.