
Yeah, poor acting indeed.


I checked on Wikipedia and it says that the 3rd Series of Misfits already aired?! Confused. Please clarify. Thanks.

Yeah, that's what I was aiming for in my comment. I tolerate it. It doesn't bring done the experience at all. You notice it, but its not really an issue. The same goes for mostly every show I see.

I'm really getting tired of the weekly comments of the bad CGI. Yes, we get it, they're on a budget. Yes, the bad CGI stands out. Move along.

Pretty much agree with everything that Todd said. For a show that I can't wait to see each week, this was the weakest entry. Not many laughs to be had.

Yeah, I think that was Olivia Wilde on the Digital Short. It's a shame that she didn't appear at the end.

It baffles me that Edna, an anesthesiologist, got the daily water requirement wrong. That is one of the most basic things taught in medical school and she also needs to deal with body fluid distribution on a daily basis for the anesthetics she provides. Brain fart.

Glad to know. I haven't been paying attention to the comments for this show. Will definitely be on the lookout for the upcoming episode.

I laughed when Stacey was voted off, she said something along the lines: "Somebody changed their vote", probably referring to Susan. Too funny.

Yeah, I have to agree that the concert subplot really came together for me at the end with the security camera footage. It's going to be one of those things that will be more enjoyable on a second viewing.

I loved this episode. One of my favorites.

That second episode was really something. I liked it a lot and the best so far.

Long time Fables reader here. Probably my favorite series after Y: The Last Man. Glad that Oliver mentioned it during his review. I believe he did before but I forgot to comment. Anyway, if you're enjoying this series or wish it was something better then I highly recommend that you get your hands on a copy of the

Aha! Good call, Zell! *wink* Still, I'm convinced she is Red Riding Hood.

So this group of lawyers, the new Wolfram & Hart?

I'm also a first time watcher. Gotta love TV Club Classic for making me delve into these shows. I liked the Pilot a lot. I definitely loved the way the characters were introduced coming in at a time and the bar finally being crowded. My favorite thing was the theme song, it was so inviting and perfect for the show or

Well, I'm done with this show. No more Terra Nova for me.

Medical school. I got in on 2001 when the show started. Not much TV watching those days.

First time watcher here. Yay!