
Oh, I didn't think of that, [REDACTED] being on the Netflix picture and the DVD box as well. I have the Angel box set and the person in question appears in the first disc picture. Who's to say that [REDACTED] also appears in the DVD Menu for that disc as well. Oh well, at least it is a a good intention warning. We'll

@ Noel Murray

After this first episode, its going to be two episodes per week, right?

This episode put me completely off of the show. I'm done with it.

I remember only watching the second season of Survivor. However, for some strange reason, I recognize the majority of these contestants.

This is correct.

I was also a real time follower and was so hooked that I went and finished it. Loved the whole series. Probably my favorite cartoon. Saying that, I started following it again and will watch the episodes with the reviews.

@avclub-db0c35ce2663c0e8c4b3f38642a49748:disqus   @avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus

Hello, Six Feet Under.

Finally! This needed to be here for the longest time.

I like this show. Like the reviewer I like the chemistry between the two leads and they are a delight to watch. They scream cute when together.

As a first time viewer of this series I want to say thanks to John Teti for his insightful reviews. They have made the experience more enjoyable. I have come to care deeply for these characters and i don't know if I can hold off until next summer to see where the stories take them.

Yeah, I think its Heisenberg too.

Haha. So true about Rage. I was thinking the same thing.

Eric's reaction at the end was completely childish. Jeez, grow up.

Done. I tried to make the comment more shocking than anything else. Kind of like I was watching it for the first time. Like "OMG, Cordelia is the Big Bad?! Seriously?! Did I miss something here?" I even wrote: "that Cordelia was bad…in some capacity at the moment (we still need to find out more)." But still, playing

I also forgot one from Angel.

I also forgot one from Angel.

