
First time watcher (David comment)
This is my first time watching the show, following the Club's schedule since the beginning and I'm enjoying it a lot.

I have to agree that I too was disappointed on what Walt said at the end of the episode. He finally gets a break but he is too proud and then runs his mouth off. Stupid.

Yes, S3 starts the downfall of Alias. Sad really.

Emily's Remission News
Being a doctor myself, it really disturbs me when a doctor is portrayed as unrealistic as the one that broke the news to Emily about her cancer's remission. 9/10 times (and possibly every time) a doctor will look at a patient's chart and/or computer screen with recent lab/imaging results to know

Emily's Remission News
Being a doctor myself, it really disturbs me when a doctor is portrayed as unrealistic as the one that broke the news to Emily about her cancer's remission. 9/10 times (and possibly every time) a doctor will look at a patient's chart and/or computer screen with recent lab/imaging results to know

@ JokerValentine

I said on a previous S7 discussion that the Potentials didn't bother me a t all. It was something different and I enjoyed it.

Some people have said that many characters view Buffy as "THE SLAYER". Yes, this is true and almost every fan sees it the same way but this is not what is being questioned here. My original post is concerning the Slayer lineage. Ever since the show started the mythology was established. There is a Slayer, when she

Yeah, I forgot about Buffy dying in season 5. Clearly a new Slayer would have been called if the line hadn't already been passed to Kendra first and then Faith.

Buffy Canon Error
On this week's "Potential" episode of Buffy there is a huge canon error. While in the basement giving a pep talk to the potential Slayers, Buffy says the following:

The Potentials didn't bother me at all.

Raining Fire
This is not really a spoiler, just an observation of something that I think was a missed opportunity on Buffy.

SPOILERS for remaining of Angel S4

"I believe I didn't laugh until episode two the very first time I watched this series." - Todd
I had the same experience. I remember feeling weird while watching it, such a different experience from the sitcoms I've been accustomed to. I smirked here and there but never burst into laughter. For me, the funniest

Yes, please. Keep reviewing the show.

I don't even watch previews for upcoming episodes or any type of promo for tv shows. That's how much I dislike being "informed" or spoiled. Hell, I sometimes fast-forward the "Previously On" because they sometimes show returning guest stars that will obviously return in the current episode, thus being a spoiler.

Yo soy loco por los cornball! Love that line.

1st Time Watching:
1. Six Feet Under
2. Avatar: The Last Airbender
3. Cowboy Bebop

I'm counting the episodes until this season is over so I can finally put down this show. There were so many bad things in last night's episode that in a moment I said "this show is just bad". My favorite moment was Artie singing to Brittany.