
Terry really misses his little girls, huh?


It's deliciously me-ta.

I don't know, I just wasn't amused. I liked last week's episode more. I know, weird.

I hate olives as well. That's why I keep them in the bathroom. Duh doy.

But she likes olives now as well. See, people change.

I'm fancy in the spring. Rather bulbous at the moment.

I'm totally with you on both #2 & #3. More so with #2 than #3. I was rather angry about that last year.

Olives in the bathroom? Go.

:( I'm not sure why you can't log in.

What @avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus said. There seem to be similar pages for features and newswires. I guess I'll have three RSS subscriptions now instead of one.

A friend of mine from college. I'm selfish, but he died way too young from a freak aneurism. :(

If I didn't have downvotes so much…

B+ sounds right. Closer to the B side rather than the A- side. The mouth feel of this episode wasn't quite up to par. I would say this is the Sal's Pizza of episodes.

He's certainly my favorite. Love him.

The grading is coming back and if you turn adblockers off, some of the whitespace is taken up by ads!

So back to where it used to be?

Am I missing something re: mobile version? Just the same stuff as laptop shows up on my phone. I tried the old mobile links and they just take me to the desktop version. And that makes comments really hard to read.