
It hates it when you log in/log out from more than one location.

Thank God. Didn't like your new avatar at all.


I'm legitimately sad about this, yo.

Grade: B

That's what it was called on the script that the Twitter account posted, but I'm sure the name was changed later to fit with the other episodes.

"Your local library in sunny Southern California."

It is! But you've it linked to your DISQUS account. Or had it linked, so the comments were always updated.

Yes, ICE is an acronym for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It used to be called the INS when it was part of the Justice Department but then it was moved to Homeland Security and renamed.

Yes. That was the thing I feared the most when the switch to NuDisqus happened. And now it's gone. :(

There was a period when I was blocked out out signing into the A.V. Club. Completely. It was weird. I'm happy when I can post. But what's the point of an AVC account now anyway? :(

So our A.V. Club profiles are completely gone?

Happy Birthday!

Very happy birthday, @Dr_Regina_Phalange:disqus !

Very sorry for your loss. :( And poor health. And missing of a loved one.

What is wrong with you people?

My husband loves TWD. There, I said it. I didn't want to admit that to you all. I'll never return again.

He's a true troubadour.

Did you see the Colts game… ? *sigh*