
I would've enjoyed that immensely. The perfect marriage of NF/OF.


Don't close it. Ever.


There is a character limit for Disqus comments, but it's sufficiently large.

Likewise. It works fine so far. Perhaps because you did the profile merge thing?

I've not done it a single time and I NEVER will. It's stupid.

Yes. It's fine for conversation, it's not great for discussion.

I don't want to ruin your opened page if it doesn't work!

Not if you install that userscript. It removes that.

It's a little insane for me who's used to Newest First. In fact, it's giving me a headache.

No, because you can still sort Oldest First. The first oldest 50 or so comments will always make it. It's the middle folks who are in trouble. He'll also make it sorted best first.

Yes. It worked for me to go from page 600 to page 400. It still paginates as long as I've kept it open I assume.

It takes you to the comments directly above or below (depending on what you clicked) first and then it'll still say 2 new above, 4 new below depending on your spot.

Should we follow each other on Disqus? Are there any benefits? Also, replies are yellow colored if you click from profile.

It worked on DEP/etc. Let me try again. I didn't try the latest page, though.

There must be something wrong with yours then? It tells you will little blue things where the new comments are. Or if there are new replies to a comment.

You do have those ear muffs on…

And you can just edit the html to what you think should be the new page… and then click on that. It works that way. I think.

I still have DEP/etc open and I can navigate to pages using the Edit HTML trick. If only there was a way to keep it open forever!