heavy d

Greatest lost opportunity for a porno name.

Instructive and thought provoking, Archmage.

Damn—I was going for finesse there.  This never would've happened to Fluttershy.

I hear what you're saying, but in the town of Deadwood, Hurst has to be the final winner, regardless of who's up against him.

Deadwood was hamstrung by using actual historical figures in Bullock, Swerengen and Hurst.  It had to end the way it did, but I wish they could have stretched it out.

The best thing about westerns, especially those about the American west in the last half of the nineteenth century is that you have so many opportunities for bad-assery of all types and so much opportunity at stake.

You need a new pickup line; this one suggests that you're required by law to introduce yourself to the neighbors every time you move.

Occasionally, the train backs up and goes in again.  That's the best…

Bobby Baccalieri takes offense but would like to have a reasonable conversation with you to offhandedly reveal he knows you have children and what house you live in.  You really break into a sweat when he insists you have brunch with him and Janice.

He cannot lie…he gets *sprung*!

@avclub-80b912d8d81919969ccab0080ddd8e2f:disqus, she had a great set of getaway sticks, for all the good it did her…

Red's dead, baby, Red's dead…

@avclub-a8cf86b7e95be74b1204e22a9aab9cd0:disqus, it's what I imagine being pulled out of the crowd and brought up on stage with Don Rickles and the UCB would be like.

So I shouldn't get too excited about any plot summary which references massive black holes?

@Monkeylint, is that when you take your cell phone and dial *3370# to get 50% more emergency power?


Top Gear's Jessica may be ubiqiotous, but it's horrible and probably makes Dickie Betts cry whenever he hears it.

Believe it or not, George isn't at home…

Can you repeat the question?

Sorry, but that rendition of Jessica is horrible and just another reason to hate Jeremy Clarkson.