heavy d

I view this as evidence that more podcasters look to Adam Carolla for material than we realize.

Can haz the 99%?

Going really old school, The Addams Family theme works for me.

Did your eyes behold an eerie sight?

Disappointing to see that lesser known shows like Stop Podcasting Yourself, Tank Riot and The Dork Forest never get mentioned.

Disappointing to see that lesser known shows like Stop Podcasting Yourself, Tank Riot and The Dork Forest never get mentioned.

Not a song written as a show theme, but when I hear The Sopranos opening with "Woke Up This Morning" it sucks me right in.

Let me help you out @avclub-bc011d00bcc91da3b8b3cb43ca0bcd73:disqus

Declan *is* the 99%.

I was really hoping they'd reveal that the bottle of wine was a screw top.  That would have been perfect.

Love the show, but hate the towny little brother.  He's Ziggy lite.

I was disappointed Jennifer Titty hasn't aged better.

Come on, Rodent—-words hurt!

Hustler sounds about right.

I always thought that Fran had Junior pegged when she described his behavior as stalker-ish; some women develop an instinct for guys who always manage to hang around them because of their infatuation.  She may have been delusional about other things, but Junior's crush is probably not one of them.

It's not uncommon for funeral and burial service times to be posted in obituaries, back in the days when people still read newspapers.

Did anyone else wonder if Fran visiting Johnny's grave at the cemetery while Tony is attending a burial service there to be too much of a coincidence?

The worst thing this show could have ever done would have been Tony getting aroused and making a move on a willing Fran.

So the woman is either Kim Kardashian or Lindsay Lohan?

This raises so many questions about your health care system…