heavy d

His publicist's two year masterplan finally comes to fruition.  Genius!

Did you do your chores?  No procreation until you've finished them!

@ Urgh, it's like Kathy Griffin says, Clay is ALL about the pussy!

I predict that when this goes to trial, testimony will reveal that JB has an enormous schlong and it will cause an unprecedented wave of suicide among young teenage males.

Is it too much to have The Edge and The Bono in one band?

"Oh man, is there anything better than the missionary position?"

I thought Larry showed excellent taste in sleeping with Beverly.  As did Artie.

This show gives you the worst cliches from Sex and the City and pairs it up with Whitney Cumming's mouthy chick persona.  Win win…

Are you doing this to fill the hole in your life since you quit cutting?

Baseball hats, tractors and farm animals.

Zeh butterfly vill pleh and coddle, but von't geev me a hickee….

SOMEONE is overcompensating for having to play the dumb guy on Freaks and Geeks.

Can we blame Sarah Palin for that?

The amazing Carnac, the magnificent!

Kools?  Aren't there generic menthols available?

She's like the love child of chlamydia and hep-C.  Interesting for all the wrong reasons.

That's why you can't have nice things.

I wonder how many condoms have gone missing in the original.

That musty old claptrap?
