heavy d

Sexy Hitler…your mustache tickles!

"You're an asshole, Captain Kirk!"

How about the writers in prison documentary?

Nah, this doesn't reek of desperation.

I think you nailed it, Jay S.  If CBS can live with the embarrassment that is Two and a Half Men, it can ride this out.

I'd give them an award for having the balls to take a group photo where three of four guys look like they're wearing bubble-gum flavored lip gloss.

Fran Drescher is cross dressing?

The @Captain Dada portion of this thread was brought to you by Red Bull & Ambien.

"The Fastandsloppy Game" is much catchier.

The first one I listened to put forth the idea that Dracula was alive and managing a Quisno's somewhere in Ohio, leading me to a huge snorting laugh in the middle of a grocery store checkout line

The Hammer isn't bad, considering I was expecting a knockoff of The Man Show.

The criticism of Klausner being a little self-absorbed is kind of surprising since it's less than what Marc Maron puts you through twice a week.

Also, for Maria Bamford fans, she's on The Dork Forest this week.

For listeners of The Mental Illness Happy Hour,  Nathan Rabin is this week's guest.

Generation X's menopausal Morey Amsterdam.

I get the vibe from Libertarians that they're kind of above it all—not outrageously douchey like hardcore conservatives and neocons but certainly not as naive as liberals.  As a political philisophy, it's as idealistic and romanticized as any other.

If you only watch MSNBC and Fox, the answer is yes.

Let's see…low budget, on expanded cable, middle of the night, interviews I wouldn't care about…

Anne Coulter and Michelle Malkin shrilly disagree.

The best of both worlds would be a cult that has a mandatory ritual of peyote use followed by video games.  I'd choose old school Asteroids.