heavy d

I'm sorry—the answer is thirty.

First you get your circle jerk badge, then you take a secret oath before you can practice your knots on the gimp.

Harrumph…I believe it's bosh, flimshaw and balderdash!

I found myself hoping he'd inadvertently stroll through a Crips neighborhood…

Disturbing…honestly had no idea that five deaths resulted from this.

Glenn Rice's wife listens to Sarah Palin on the news, shakes her head, turns to her husband and says: "You put your dick into this?"

It's either fly-over country or the left coast.  Because everything revolves around NYC and Washington DC.

In fairness, this is the most buzz HWJ has had in YEARS.

We're willing to meet you halfway, Michelle.

Max is more annoying than funny or cute.  It seems that two out of every three lines she has are comeback zingers; she's a bitchy punch line machine.  I feel bad for Caroline's character for having to be around that at work and at home.

It's too bad that sportswriters feel they have to get into pop culture criticism so they can feel relevant.  Some of them have a hard enough time being completely objective about racial issues as it is and I believe most get worse as they age and the generational divide they experience become more apparent.

It's too bad that sportswriters feel they have to get into pop culture criticism so they can feel relevant.  Some of them have a hard enough time being completely objective about racial issues as it is and I believe most get worse as they age and the generational divide they experience become more apparent.

"Has Walter covered his tracks enough with the rental cars and the wipedowns?"

Phantom of the Opera for old schoolers and The Man Without a Face for Mel Gibson fans.

Rock-tober always makes me sad that Zep-tember is over.

Walt's inner Hal was the guy who couldn't initially understand why it would cost 20 grand to replace the plate glass door.

As far as being upset about Tio getting revenge on Gus, any satisfaction he enjoyed was extremely short lived and he did pay dearly for it.

I've been under the impression that Chevy Chase is pretty much reviled by 98% of the people he's ever worked with in the past.


Agreed.  What Saudi Arabia is to oil, he is to guitar face.