heavy d

Eh, there's no sport in it if she's not in the hospital with a serious illness…

I'd like a time machine so I could see that twenty years ago.

It's the official beverage of Blackwater Ops 'cause it's BADASS…

When the opportunity arises, I like to dabble in sophomores.


Nancy could have a killer body and impeccable bodily functions, but her personality would still make "sexy" a tough go.

Company executives tend to get pissy if you try to negotiate with them the way they do with their peers or highly compensated employees.

They seem to be a little more bold knowing that Fox News, CNBC and the Supreme Court will have their back.

Dear Whitney,

"Aw, man—not the gotcha dancers!"

CM, are you coming on to anyone in particular?

I'm pretty sure that Madge would be willing to push the envelope there, 'cause she's outrageous like that…

When Sarah gets back home, you're gonna have some splainin' to do, Todd!

He holds that title many times over.

Watched them both and easily, Natasha is preferable to Whitney.

Still like her better than Whitney…

"Can't you tell by my face that I have a painful elimination problem?"

While it doesn't have the promise of a cartoon character jacking it, I always liked this opening music better…

I thought we were going to Cold Stone Creamery…

Did you see Michael Lewis on the Daily Show last night?