heavy d

Has it split twice?  I thought it was something like $75k.  About a year or two after that I passed on buying Google @ $103/share also.

Oops.  It was definitely before the iPod launched, though.  The Motley Fool bulletin boards were full of investors bitching about Apple not licensing its OS and insisting in premium pricing their products, both of which obviously worked out for them.

Nice obit, Sean.

To the good stuff I'd add Frankie rinsing her pits with the hose attachment in the kitchen sink after dabbing them with a sponge.  Classy and oh so feminine.

That Penn Jillette is an atheist is one thing, but that he articulates this at length at every conceivable opportunity is tiresome.

That's really generous of Nick to be embarrassed for the critics, instead of himself.

Planet of the Rapes

Eddie dies a little every time he goes home to Leann.

How is it that KR and Ted Nugent haven't made an album yet?  Being how they're both media whoring Michigan guys and all…

It's been years since I've been to a titty bar, but the thinly veiled contempt the dancers had for the clientele made you realize how fundamentally degrading it was for both the strippers and the schlubs trying to get their attention.

I always thought that feminine empowerment through ones sexuality is a weak argument, because not all women are fortunate enough to look like an actress or model.  It's not an option for the rest of women to make a living by just looking good.

If you took a date to Man Bites Dog, you could use the scene where the flute was strategically planted to whisper "That could be you in a few hours."

You had a circle jerk during halftime? 

Dude just LOOKS like a lady…

Hank Williams Jr?

Continuing a proud tradition of booking performers who are at least 25 years past their prime.

How about the fact that they shoehorn in keeping a horse in Brooklyn as on ongoing joke?

Everyday People just helpin' him out…

Almighty Beelzebub Chuckles.

You ain't from these parts, are you boy?