heavy d

I dunno..it's not that black and white.

Prince would be so proud of all of you…

Let's hope!  I want another scene of Gus sticking it to that evil old fuck…

My favorite true business book is "Barbarians at the Gate" about the sale of RJR Nabisco in the late 80's.  That is a compelling read.

She's painting herself into a corner.  She doesn't want to be bailing more people out with big lump sums of cash, because that's just more alibi management for her; the IRS could also rightly ask where Ted came up with that much money to settle up.  Marie already knows she has cash at the ready, as does the former

Nice job!

Better yet, how about listing the best flavors they've discontinued?

Mos Orless.

Couldn't agree more; he just about owns every scene he's in and when he's pissed he radiates this aura of menace and hostility that's amazing to see.

Do you think they still love us long time?

How about beckoned as the word of the second?

Spencer's Gift catalogue.  Sigh.

Well, the brain IS the largest and most important sexual organ…

World B. Free did it first…

Haven't listened to UYD yet.  That similar, huh?

You need to review My Brother, My Brother, and Me AND Stop Podcasting Yourself. 

Bill has moved on without you, Dan.  Accept it.

This is why Jenny McCarthy thinks of Jim as "the one who got away".

Is that a euphemism for sex with dirty hippies?

I never thought I'd say this but..Haverchuck's the king!