heavy d

In "Being There", Chauncey Gardener sees the world outside of the house he grew up in for the first time as he walks down the street in Washington D.C. at dusk.

I thought the best sight gag in AD was Kitty proudly showing off her new implants to Michael. Through her top you could see that both nipples were turned inward but the right one was also pointing up…

Honoria Glossop? Why, she has a lovely profile but is rather steeped to the gills in serious purpose and not the suitable life partner for young Bertram. Jeeves concurs.

Lone Star
The Little Willie John tracks "My Love Is" and "You Hurt Me" are worth it picking this up for. Other artists include Lucinda Williams, Duke Levine, Ivory Joe Hunter, and Little Walter.

"I have to stop by MSNBC and see Rachel Maddow. Only one of us can have this haircut!"

thanks for the clips
Those really reminded me of what she could do.

worth mentioning
The Julia Roberts toothy laugh rocked.

Jan Hooks was hugely underappreciated on SNL. She could knock it out of the park when she had her opportunities, though.

"I never thought I'd say this, but Haverchuck is the king!"

I think Lady Gaga was paying tribute to either Judy or Jane Jetson, which is sad enough. The possibility of having a penis is just piling on…

"The faces of those you've wronged will be floating up on your left."

"Hey, David Hartman! Why the long face?"

San Francisco International
One of my favorite MST3K movies starred Pernell. The bots had a great time with his smugness. Good times!

Favorite Kilborn moment came when he interviewed actress Faith Ford and asked about the fiance she was soon marrying.

Every good book
I've ever read about professional sports leagues and the problems they face always touch upon a few common themes:

Ken Burns
should challenge himself to make a series that doesn't rely on the same story telling devices over and over.

Vegemite doesn't work for me, but if you're talking about chocolate-hazelnut based spreads, Nutella is great. I prefer it in place of hit fudge; you can get it in two bottle packs at Costco for around $ 8US.

Saw the pilot on Hulu and it was like "Election" with musical numbers, which isn't a bad thing. You might not like her, but Jane Lynch never does a bad job in anything, great redwood of a whore that she is.

Terry Kath, David Clayton Thomas and Delbert McClinton.

You're right—I couldn't find my copy and guessed at the title.