heavy d

Fans of baseball need to read "Lords of the Realm" by John Helyar and of course "Moneyball" by Michael Lewis.

Your momma's so fat her neck looks like a package of hot dogs!

I still find it hard to believe that the brits didn't know Don didn't have a contract. Don is THE MAN at Sterling Cooper and it's a big leap of faith on their part to assume that someone who just received a nice chunk of change would stick around and happily report to Duck. How long could you afford to take off from

The partners of PP&L must have known about Draper's contract situation; they're never overlooked by buyers when a company is sold, so either Duck was misled or kept in the dark about it. Duck being president was contingent on him being able to keep Don in the fold and his former bosses knew it was only a matter of

Old Christine
Is much more worthy of your time and effort than any Jay Mohr sitcom.

I look forward to any scene when I see either Joan or Roger onscreen. They're always good for at least one great line per episode.

Raisins are dead grapes and suck twice as much when near freezing temperatures.

entire first season…
Is currently available from Comcast on-demand, but that ends July 17.

The Beatles were fine. They never did a really BAD job on anything.

best actress to play this role…
Courtney Love.