Sexy Nurse Spambot

Last week I had to take the side of Skip Bayless and root for Godboy Tebow over Ben Rapistberger and Cheapshot Harrison. I never felt so dirty and ashamed in my whole life. Like many of Ben's dates I ended up crying in a shower.

It does seem like with rock these days it's either the Hunger Dunger Dang bands or those fey, twee bands like Death Cab For Cutie or Foster The People. What is the opposite of Hunger Dunger Dang? Tinkle Dinkle Doo? Actually that sounds like some cutesy term Ben and Zooey would come up with for having sex.

Shh, Kirk, if you say Lobsters' name he will appear, like Candyman or Biggie Smalls.


Before Duke did you find Genesis too artsy, too intellectual?

I'd like to hear VH cover Sex Bomb.

A slobs vs snobs exorcism movie? At the end does the lead girl yell, "Hey, everybody, we're all gonna get laid!" while a demon puppet dances to Kenny Loggins?

It's just the curl of AV Club's Burl

Yabels, wasn't there a scene where Sir Ben bangs one of those re-animated corpses called the Olsen Twins(I forget which one) in a phone booth?

The record company should have packaged the reissue in a manilla envelope with "4 Da Mare" written on the front.

The hipster love for Hall and Oates has been going on for a couple years now. Hall sang with Chromeo at a couple music festivals and The Bird and The Bee did a H&O cover album and there's an internet cartoon about Oates' mustache fighting crime.

"He'll do."

Wimps and poseurs, leave the hall!

Well I for one will welcome our new Alien Jesus overlord in 2014.

I thought music couldn't get any whiter and wimpier than Foster The People. Avi Buffalo proved me wrong.

*pours out a 40 for Brigitte Nielsen and Flavor Flav*


I knew I shouldn't laugh at that but I did. Dammit, E Buzz.

Jesus Christ, that's a blast from the past. I listened to him when I was growing up in Hagerstown.

How else could he reach those keeeeds?