Hello Mr. Jonas - my name is Adem!
Hello Mr. Jonas - my name is Adem!
Thank you sooooo much for explaining that to me Mr. Patch. I finally understand why no one laughs at my movees!
My movees have Jewish midgets!
Oh good! Can you pleese post your comment on the Word Wide Web too, in addishun to the Information Supper Highway?
Are you my sister, Jill?
I've had people threaten to kill me after seeing my movees, but never before.
That's not how you make jokes, dumbey.
I make a poopey almost every single day.
I once forced Rob Shneider to legully change his name to Fartacus.
I had a "Bee-o-Wolf" scripped in development for a while!
Hey! How did you no the name of my next movee?
Sir, I am shoked! Just because he is a good comedy-man doesnt make it OK to be a rapist. It's not OK for Bill Cosby, and its' knot OK for Danny Glover.
I like pudding!
Hello Mistur Third -
Me two!
I thought-ed that spelling my name wrong wood confuse people, but somehow they saw right threw my in-gene-yous disguise.
The name is use to go undercover is Adem Sandlur!
I'm sorry Mister Speilberg.
I don't think you should try to eat Mexicans, sir.