Adam Sandler

Its' spelled Earth, dumbey!

Hello Mister Carbarian!

I don't under-stand mossed of what you wrote!

Hello Mr. Intern - I wood like to audishon for the leed role in your new Madem President movie. I cood play the roll in drag! Imagine how many hi-larious hijinx we could get into with the snooty White House butlers!

I refused to participate in that movee, based on my out-rage over its' a-gree-gee-us spelling errors!

Where is Adim Sandlur?

Hello Mr. Hodor, my kname is Adam!

Is that the one for being very handsum?

Holy crap, they where robots the hole time? I never new that.

If I was on a space mission, I wood just fart into the other ass-tro-nauts space suits all the time. Haha haha haa haaa haaaaa… that wood be so hilarious!!!!

Cood they all be midgets?

Wood that i-dee-yah help me win an Academy Awards this year?

Hello Mr. Explanation - I wood like to audishon for the leed role in your upcoming production of Who Dropping Stanky Loads in My Damn Bathroom.

Thanks. I was "thinking" of calling it…

How about a ree-all-itty show from Happy Gilmore studios?

Hi Mistur Stone - My name is Adim Sandlur. You're word-righting makes perfect cents to me, and I can tell that you are highly-intellagent. Wood you like to come work for me as my Assistant Business Managur? Your supervisor wood be Charlie T. Stinkypants. He is a gerbil!

How did the party get into the apocalypse in the firssed place?

And Adim Sandlur is verey hand-some and should win an Acadamee Awurd for being a grate actor!

I still bye Hot Pockets. I think they are tastey and delicious!

You are worst then Hitler!