Adam Sandler

Me Two!!!!

For gosh sakes… get those albums out of the stream!!!

Plus all those Adim Sandlur comedy films…


I'm so happy that I found out about the RatWorld Amusemunt Park! It sound like it wood be a really fun place to visit!

Hey listen up guys…. I'm hear to settul this argument, OK?

Ok. But can I still eet my pudding?

No I meanet Acadamey Award, dumbey.

I suggessed: "Adim Sandlur to Win Acadamee Awurd."

I wood like to play the roll of Mindy Park. I've been tolled that I "read" much younger… but I dont really know what that meens.

Hi Groot, my name is Adum!

No, dumbey! Vegitarean means you only eat animals, and veterinarian is when you don't eat them.

Why, is Richard Gear a veterinarian?

I did hit rock bottom…

I wanted to come to the VD Club party, but my limosine driver didn't know how to find it.

Oh hi Mr. Marco - My name is Adum!

He shood have asked her relevant and in-site-full questions, like:

I have been a-shored by people that I trust that the Brawny paper towel guy is actually make-believe. Like that magical land called "Canada," where every-won gets "free" health care. Ha ha ha ha ha! That's so funny!

Do you want to bee friends on MySpace, Mister Pasta?

Ha ha ha ha ha… your so stupid. That's know how the conversation went at all!