Adam Sandler

Oh Hi Mr. Seven -

I hope Fat Gandalf doesn't die before he finishes writing.


Correct. An I-dee-yeah is when you make a movee about a moose pissing in your face and then someone gives your Hefty sack full of hundred dollar bills.

"I think Adim Sandlur is so handsum, and shood be elected President of the Untied States!"

This Weak-end, I ordered Rob Shneider to completely re-organize the money room. The huge piles of hundred dollar bills were a mess!

Yes, Giraffes are my favorut animal two!

How can I reed it if it's not written yet?

Oh Hey Mr. Seven -

Start making $100 million dollars a year making movee films. It's by far the bessed job I've ever had. Yesterday I eated 3 hot dogs and had 1 chocolate pudding cup brought to me by my butler on a plate maid of solid goaled. Begin by putting a plastic bucket on your head, dancing a jig and singing in a baby voice "I am

It is a form of humor that is called "Parr-otty."

That's wright! TMZ is even worse than being forced to watch an Adim Sandlur movee…

Jack and Jill Part Too?

You forgot to mark your post as "spooler"

Me two!

I don't know who you are or how you lerned my secrets, but please Mr. K, don't post them to on the Internet, World Wide Webb or Information Supperhighway!

Because he got hermes?

Mr. Spoon, I recent your imlications.

Will the drink be choc-lett milk?

Kind of like me and the Acadamee Awurds!