Alan Sphincter

I've been called the Songbird of my Generation…
…and I don't know you Juanito, but I doubt your speaking voice compares favourably with that of Matt Berry, or Peter Serafinowicz for that matter…

Brilliant posts there KB.
Also, sex tapir is an anagram of ex-rapist…

Fucking love these guys. Favourite is probably Twin Cinema, but I regularly listen to all their albums back-to-back without skipping a track. I agree with Byron above: all are A- at least in my book. I'd be interested to hear if anyone here actually strongly dislikes one of their albums if they like the others. I

Thanks everyone. I wasn't expecting such a great response…

I used to love the Broken Sword and Discworld games, and this sounds pretty good, but I've been out of touch with gaming for ages. Any thoughts on good point and click games I've missed? Thanks…

Your last paragraph is interesting there Jorge. I love most of what he's done (apart from his HDTV ad of a Simpsons episode), but at times I get the impression that he's just as unbearable as David Brent in real life, albeit in a different way…

It's Taken…you should have took her to see Taken…

…it's just for me and mah dog…

Oh Mammy, Oh Daddy…
…let's all play Kabaddi…

Shit, this sounds good. Chose Shearwater's new one over it about 3hours ago. I should have bought both.

No no, my Billy's is rounder at the top…

God Ted, do you remember that fella who was so good at fashion they had to shoot him?

Wait a minute…
…those are FAKE arms…

Me too Earth Tones. See you there. Horrific pun btw…

Thanks AV Club, but thanks also to most of you fellow posters. There may be some dicks around these parts, but there are a bumload of funny, well-informed, nice people too. And I consider you to be in the latter group Sugartits: you're a valuable asset to these threads and you know it, so no trawling for compliments…

If they want to call their sprog Staten Island it's fine by me.

No, quintimate refers to getting intimate with quintuplets…What was the gist of the deleted Sloane Crosley hate? I missed out.

Cowell is probably only pissed on a very superficial level. The campaign may have resulted in his song coming in 2nd, but the hyped media coverage of this "battle" undoubtedly pushed more McElderry supporters to buy his shitty song than would have done otherwise. So Cowell can dry his tears with crisp banknotes…Cunt.

Dese bailouts is disgustipating…

Someone had to go there…