Dr Locrian

I knew you couldn't quit me! Tsk tsk. You another troll habit? Announcing grand plans for leaving a thread, then coming back. Again. And again. Why exactly are you doing this?

Not a major one, and maybe someone upthread has mentioned them, but the first time around I dismissed Loop as "that band that rips off Spacemen 3."

How can you not see that turning the volume up to 11 and crying Nazi at anyone who listens to something that offends you is self righteous and absurd to the max? Are you Tipper Gore? Even in your grand flounce off stage you can't help but exaggerate things to the point of cartoonishness.

Also, it's not hypocritical for me to point out your impotent insults: I never stooped to calling you:

And saying that SOME artists (yes, most NSBM is shit) have made music that's interesting and provocative even though, and in spite of, the fact that their ideologies are repugnant, is a far cry from "defending Nazi black metal tooth and nail."

That's hilarious. You start this thread by saying there's nothing here but ad hominems, and end it spewing ad hominems. You've proved every point I've made from the start, yet you keep coming back.

No, you're the one who's simplifying things. It's exactly the same kind of thing you hear freshman year when newbies take a few cultural studies classes and think that they can cram every bit of art through a simple black and white lens.

"Anyone who listens to black metal is a Nazi"

Definitely a lot of half baked undergrad philosophizing. You know what else is an ad-hominem argument? "Anyone who listens to black metal is a Nazi."

Some major bullshit happening here with this "you must never consider art apart from the artist." It's a lot of self righteous vaguely "academic" sounding wanking used solely as an excuse to make you look good.

Bloody Panda manage the quite incredible feat of transcending their retarded name. This makes me love them.

OK, I like the Vivian Girls, but no way are they better than Black Tambourine, Tallulah Gosh, or Shop Assistants. Tiger Trap I'll negotiate on.

The painful self recognition you get if you were exactly the right demographic to see it (I was in Seattle at the time working for Fantagraphics Books yada yada) is exactly what makes it so great to me. No other movie really captured that mood of being in your twenties at that specific time. When we left the Varsity

That guy's doing it?! Crap. Hopes are dashed.

Rob Zombie: Conan?
A screenwriter friend of mine speculated that Rob Zombie would be a great guy to reboot Conan. I kind of agreed.

But feeling embarrassed for someone who's having a great time is pretty similar to what I'm talking about. I mean there's a way to make every pop music look stupid and immature from certain angles, maybe with some easier than others. I was horribly self conscious about liking metal when I was a wee teen punk

I find that feeling embarrassed and ridiculous for liking things is its own phase that you get over. There are few things in the entertainment world more soul stunting than self conscious fear of looking stupid.

Definitely Goonies. I was one or two years too old for it—it just seemed like a dumb kiddie ripoff of Raiders to my highly "sophisticated" 14 year old self.

This was one of my favorite Giles eps ever! And it was pretty touching too, as an allegory for aging. Of course, it probably means more to me now that my own body is getting worse for the wear . . .

Well, possibly rivalled by Ron Perlman.