Dr Locrian

Not sure if anyone's mention this yet, but I love it that the lead Gentleman is played by Doug Jones. That guy is the best buried-under-latex actor ever!

Mouse Guard
What about a Henry Selick stop motion film for Mouse Guard?

Thinking about about it some more, for Glen Cook I would actually recommend reading Passage At Arms first. Written in the 80's, it really feels like Das Boot in space, in a really gritty realistic mode. Since he was a Navy guy, he makes the war stuff seem very real, long before the rebooted BSG did.

This again? How about we talk about Meg White's boobs?

The 456 was the creepiest alien I've seen onscreen for a long time. The vomiting was nice touch, but what really kept it creepy was the fact that they hid the alien for the most part. That's a rule that still applies in this CGI age—letting your imagination fill in the blanks is always best.

That was an awesome interview! I also read Swamp Thing when I was 13-14 or so, and it's left a deeper impression on me than Watchmen did. Some of those storylines, especially the return of Arcane and the American Gothic saga, really freaked me out but I read them over and over again. I'm happy that they're

I Liked It
It had a classic hard sf feel to it—you gotta love a show that treats space travel in a more realistic way. That launch sequence was truly awe inspiring!

Hellhammer was pretty effin' awesome too! Just don't know which I liked better. Depends on my mood.

Celtic Frost is also one of the few bands from the 80's that's not only kept up with the changes in sound, but upped the ante in some ways: Monotheist was absolutely amazing!

That does lead to an interesting question: just where is the border between straight up rock and metal?

Slough Feg
OK, I get it, Slough Feg is somewhat ridiculous. But come on, for "nerdy metal" they absolutely rule. And they have ridiculous musical chops. And really, there's no one else doing exactly whatever the hell it is they're doing.

Or buy the book All Known Metal Bands. It's literally nothing but every single band name ever. With multiple entries for every band with the same name.

Hey, Bathtub Shitter from Japan actually DOES play Brown Metal: they sings songs about nothing but shit and shit related matters.

Delta Green
Trivia: The game's chief designer, Dennis Detwiller, was one of the minds behind Delta Green, by far the best Call of Cthulhu roleplaying setting for the modern world. You can "devour" the minds of Adam Scott Glancy and other DG co-creators.

Um, gotta disagree with you there about "drugs are bad" being the message. Actually, it's a bit more complex than that as portrayed in the book. The Kubrick Shining was all kinds of creepy, but an organic study of human nature it ain't—the movie has that Kubrickian chilly distance that makes the whole thing seem

I loved Wonderfalls! It helped that I instantly developed a crush on the lead. Haven't seen her since, either.

Actually, the plantanimal pal would kind of make up for it! That's why I was halfway hoping it was that version being talked about.

Wait, Stephen King Midworld or Alan Dean Foster Midworld?

Catan is awesome
It's a relatively easy sell to non-gamers. But just try convincing any non-geek to play Arkham Horror: it lasts 6-8 hours and the likely outcome is that everyone is devoured by the Ancient One awakening.

I've wondered about the Abigail vs. Flagg thing too. While I love dark stories of all kinds, and relate pretty well to fictional villains, if I were to be honest and try to imagine a "real life" in either city, I don't think I'd survive very long in Vegas.