Dr Locrian

Has anyone mention the Askewniverse yet?
I'm not sure it would be a great place to live. But there is a certain charm to it, in that they seem like better places to inhabit than the movies actually are, especially if Rosario Dawson was around to fall madly in love with you at your crappy loser job.

The Linklater-Verse
I kind of wanted to live in the movie Slacker after it was done, because it seems like living in an eternal conversation where you meet new people every few minutes would be a great place to visit.

Sherilyn Fenn easily makes up for BOB. Yes, that would very much be worth it, for the wacky neighbors, mysterious woods, and hot hot women.

I can see the appeal of The Stand. It's similar to Dawn of the Dead, in that while there are horrible things happening everywhere, you get to play around in society's ruins and try to build a new one! They never end well, but there's a certain spirit of adventure in those kinds of stories.

Ooh, this is a good one. Barsoom rocks! Although the Mars volume of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen kind of deflates the idea a little.

Loved this movie!!
Can't believe I'm this late for a Trust thread! I was so obsessed with this movie I rented it nearly every night during the summer before I went to Shanghai to teach English right after graduating. I made my Chinese students watch it too, and I *think* they enjoyed it.

@ Shaggydog: You should definitely check out Slough Feg, Gates of Slumber, Bible of the Devil, Electric Wizard, Mammatus, and Danava, based on what you just wrote.

Yeah, France is at least the equal of the Scandinavian bloc at this point, maybe they've even surpassed them as the Mordor of Metal. That's encouraging that no one there knows what's going on in their own backyard—seems similar to Japan, which also produces some of the craziest underground music out there without…

That sounds like a great topic for a talk! I can't think of too many women aside from Runhild in BM except for, let's see, Darkestrah and Tymah? There are more, I know, but I can't recall them yet.

I love the Sword! But you have to admit there's some kind of essential difference between what they do and what other retro metalheads like Bullet and Slough Feg do.

If you like Mastodon, definitely check out Baroness and Torche. Also, Zoroaster and Yob!

You interviewd her? Really? For what site?

Burzum's Filosofem! That was my gateway drug. It sounds like Aphex Twin being dragged through all nine circles of Hell.

Good god, sorry about all the typ0s.

I like Green Mind and the later stuff too, but the scruffy stoner angst of YLALOM kicked my 15 yr old self in the ass, along with the Meat Puppets and St. Vitus. That's when I learned that punk wasn't such cut and dry world, or at least it didn't have to be.

What? You're Living All Over Me!!! That's the beginning and end of Dinosaur love, maybe with a side of Bug.

Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions
Yeah, hated them on first viewing. Now I think the three movies work together as a very satisfying whole, despite the awkward spots.

Jesus' Son was a bolt of lightning, a truly fierce kick to my head when I first read it. For better and worse it really changed the way I approached reading and writing.

Kurtis Blow references!?! Be still my beating heart!

Well, that wouldn't include me, and I like the so-called hipster too.