Dr Locrian

Do yourself a favor and check out Amesouers, IMMEDIATELY. Imagine Swervedriver hijacked by a black metal band.

Southern Lord AND Profound Lore. Profound Lore is rapidly catching up as a purveyor of odd, dark, and original metallic alloys.

Fuck Yeah!! WITTR rules, they're an all around amazing band. Thanks for this review!

Sea 2 Buffy rules. It really stepped up the game, and the melodramatic romance was exactly in the spirit of teen opera needed.

Baroness rules. So do High On Fire. And Mastodon. And Wolves in the Throne Room. Doesn't matter if some folks think they're too "hip" now, they're all awesome. The reason metal is so great right now is a new willingness to pillage sounds that they'd previously hated (indie, noise, and post rock).

Another danger of just laying everything out in a big info-dump:

M: what makes you a troll isn't that you want to discuss things. What makes you a troll is whining about being persecuted, then moving on to repeat the same points you've made a million times, when they've already been addressed, very intelligently, by many people.

And only a soul deep in the velvetine throes of worldly nocturnal fluid drenches woes of an prepubescent boy would deign to write a missive about a musical genre he feels elevated from, so high that he could but spit, and have pearl of wisdom land upon the great unwashed lot he imagines below him.

Del Toro, you slut!
I can't believe Guillermo Del Toro is STILL adding stuff to his wish list of movies to make!! Drood sounds right up his alley, but I swear, someone needs to chain that loveable fat man to a camera and force him to do At the Mountains of Madness right after the Hobbit. THEN he can move on and do

It's just a matter of acclimatizing to the sound. Just about any music, whether punk, reggae, indie, whatever, sounds homogeneous and boring if you're just not meeting it halfway. Lamb of God aren't my favorite band, but I like them a lot, they're worth investigating.

I haven't owned Raise for over 10 years, but I do have the out of print CD of Mezcalhead, which still gets played at least once a month. I can't wait to hear these reissues!

I agree, "4AD" is its own category, for better and worse. Love 99% of their stuff, though.

Dr. Poop, in my more optimistic moments, I like to feel that we can simply ignore the yahoos who believe in the literal 7 days thing. Do we need to take them seriously at all? Can't we just declare them to be mentally handicapped or something?

People grazing near the fence only need to be told that even if they accept evolution as fact, it doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. I never understand why this is such a huge barrier for the religious folk. Just because your ancestors were little shrews running around under dinosaurs' feet, doesn't mean you can't

I like horror at least in part because of a masochistic streak: I enjoy being scared by a story. Deeper than that, and you get into Psych 101 territory that I'm not that familiar with.

There are, on my bookshelf, two LP's that were shredded by cats long ago that I use as display art. One is Big Dipper, the other Volcano Suns. I hadn't heard either one in years because I gave on collecting vinyl.

band or movie?
I just find it funny that MBV was named after a (then) obscure slasher movie, and now that they've remade it, it'll create even more confusion. "What, was the 3-D inspired by shoegaze pop?"

Also logging in to see my new avatar. And yes, the Cthulhu 2008 thing is awesome—from the HPLHS site?

Also logging in to see my new avatar. And yes, the Cthulhu 2008 thing is awesome—from the HPLHS site?