
I challenged my co-workers to see who could listen longest and no one
has made it past the 2 and a half minute mark. For most of us, nausea
starts setting in at the 1.45 mark.

I remember both of these movies frighteningly well. I probably watched "Poison Ivy" at least a dozen times. "Timmy Mezzy's swimming the lake!"

I remember both of these movies frighteningly well. I probably watched "Poison Ivy" at least a dozen times. "Timmy Mezzy's swimming the lake!"

My thoughts exactly. The book was quirky, not so much funny. The parts with the Bird Man actually made me feel a little ill after a while.

Is that Eef Barzelay in the foreground of this picture?

ah, Fairuza
Due to this movie and "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever", Fairuza Balk was one of my first childhood crushes. This movie was by far my favorite Oz incarnation, even if it did give me nightmares about being transformed into an inanimate object for a while.