no patience for jam hands

I thought of that scene, but that's more about Rory's feelings for Jess than Jess's feelings for Rory. I get that this is more Rory's show than Jess's so we don't get characters talking about his feelings all the time, but yeah, apparently if no one TELLS Rory a guy likes her, she has no idea. Had forgotten about the

These episodes are so cute!
There's a deleted scene for There's the Rub, IIRC - Paris tells Rory that Jess has a crush on her, which yeah, wasn't really necessary, but it got me thinking: Rory does the whole "Jess and I are just friends" bit for so long; does anyone ever confront her about it? Is she naive enough to

I liked this episode, but I still think everyone's getting spun further out from each other instead of drawn back in. Angelo has two storylines (missing baby and the restaurant) and neither of them are with the Kennishes. Toby barely interacts with his family (did he even visit John in the hospital?). And Daphne and

I think Adriana/the actress who plays her would handle that storyline really well.

I did not believe for one second that John would care or know what a blog was. Or that he would bestow upon Jace's blog any esteem whatsoever.

I can recall very little geography I learned from the game; however, it is the only reason I know what "svelte" means.

Sure, I can see that. I especially like the idea of the AU John being his worst fears, as it explains the marriage focus. Maybe the premise of the AU is properly framed as not "What if the girls had been switched back?" but "What if John had always gotten his way?" I'm both anxious for and looking forward to a change

Simone, Simone, where have you been all my life? (In regards to returns, welcome or not, apparently Chef Jeff is coming back? Did everyone know that but me?)

Bit of a stretch, but:

I definitely missed the curls, but I liked her with bangs.

I wish the kids had more to do with each other. Everyone just seems caught up with their own story and cast of side characters. Revisiting platonic relationships like Daphne-Emmett is a start, but I miss the group dynamics that were more present in the school setting.

Boy was my comment unclear - though I did mean that Rory does not mother Lorelai. "Mothering" is a poor verb choice - what I mean is that Rory doesn't take on responsibility for the family unit. She takes a great deal of responsibility for herself, but when push comes to shove, Lorelai is the mom and Rory is the

Paris investigating the diner has always been one of my favorite Jess/Luke scenes. It's nice to see Jess sassing Luke without risking juvie. I also think Paris and Jess should hang out more - besides "There's the Rub," is there anything else?

Given the insane rigamarole about the Belle & Sebastian CD delivery, I would buy that the entire town is conspiring for Lane to become a rock star (or cheerleader, first things first) right under Mrs. Kim's nose.

I think that's a really interesting take on the conflict - Lorelai being frustrated that Rory isn't as proud as she is. But I think the fight between them brings it into "I'm the mother, you're the daughter" territory, which is frustrating and awkward to me because it's so rarely a problem they have. Yes, they're

I like Meredith's recaps, but they're more nostalgic checklists than essays. I might disagree with Sims (and…yeah) but at least there's something to disagree with.
She is, however, much more involved in the comments.

I liked that they commented, via Toby's grandma, that his wedding is possibly a response to his not being engaged with the rest of the family (or series). I mean, Toby's made that comment too, but it's nice that someone else notices. Hoping the Toby/Nikki tension tonight means that the engagement is off sooner rather

I thought John was pro-, or at least not anti-, premarital sex though. He sees pretty clearly that it's the reason behind Toby and Nikki's wedding. Oooh, maybe those storylines are going to meet up at some point?

Weirdly, the British character has the worst enunciation on this show.

Aw, I miss Wilke and Simone! Probably because they didn't interact with just the characters they were supposed to be love interests for. I can't see Jace as being anyone other than coffee-shop-boyfriend, and an irritating one at that.