Max Glooper

I know, right?  I'm sure it's not a great movie, but this review doesn't convince me of that.  All I see is "I don't like the political message.  Conclusion?  The movie is bad."

I know, right?  I'm sure it's not a great movie, but this review doesn't convince me of that.  All I see is "I don't like the political message.  Conclusion?  The movie is bad."

Holy shit is AMC being petulant about that "not available on dish" business. 

Holy shit is AMC being petulant about that "not available on dish" business. 

Why, Old Stallions?

Why, Old Stallions?

Francovich Francovich!

I too would love to see Children of Hurin adapted by Jackson.  He's done all of the other major source material.  Who better to handle the last major piece than him? 

I too would love to see Children of Hurin adapted by Jackson.  He's done all of the other major source material.  Who better to handle the last major piece than him? 

"Take a Walk" is a laughably bad song.  Seriously.

"Take a Walk" is a laughably bad song.  Seriously.



Jehosaphat's Succotash?

Jehosaphat's Succotash?

I too am legitimately frightened by her face.  She looks a bit mannish.  I would expect she has full-on Tara Reid voice right now.

I too am legitimately frightened by her face.  She looks a bit mannish.  I would expect she has full-on Tara Reid voice right now.

Braaaaain's Anatomy

Braaaaain's Anatomy

Accuracy isn't really that important when you have the unlimited ammo cheat code enabled as apparently Herschel did.