Accuracy isn't really that important when you have the unlimited ammo cheat code enabled as apparently Herschel did.
Accuracy isn't really that important when you have the unlimited ammo cheat code enabled as apparently Herschel did.
"How Do I Know" makes me feel like a million bucks
28 Days Later is memorable because it's technique is raw and the stakes are higher. One guy trying to survive vs. a bunch of people living within the confines of a safe city. There is also a slight shift in the focus in 28 Days that sends the story in a different trajectory. It adds an extra reason for survival…
True, I forgot. The Mouth Licking What You've Bled is pretty solid too.
Also Dancers to a Discordant System, the last song on Obzen, is badass.
Fuck, are there any other metal bands worth listening to at this point? There is a lot about Lamb of God that I like, but there is a lot I don't like at the same time.
Chaosphere isn't solid as a whole, but songs from that album like New Millenium Cyanide Christ and Corridor of Chameleons are fantastic.
@avclub-92ff69fa7b457b9d94d89c04f0b42042:disqus Even though I felt burned by the ending, given that Iwas hoping for answers to the numerous mysteries the show meticulously crafted over the seasons, I wouldn't want to disavow the genre of high concept shows completely. Like…
I still count Lost as my all-time favorite tv-viewing experience. It was this experience that made it memorable. My friends (who watched the show as well) and I would pine over the details, the minutia (did you see the dharma logo on that tub of lard from 1974 duuuuude?), the implications, the developments, etc.,…
The first shot got the zombies' attention and the second one confirmed the position of the delicious people. That's what happened.
Was "Grown Ups" also your favorite movie of 2010?
Can't he just get back to writing those state-themed albums? I'm still waiting for "Idaho: Potatoes Rejoice! America loves you, and so does Joseph Smith."
Apparently the excitement of your first led you to use the CAPS LOCK, which is surely an early warning sign that CancerAids is in your future.
Would you prefer a ponderous, wandering novella of a review which compares the album to Nietzsche and other pointless musings? Then go to Pitchfork, Sir.
My favorite song is the one that goes BLANG! BLANG! BLANG! (monotone female voice) BLAM! BLAM! (montoone, monotone) SHMUG! SHMUG! SHMUG!