
dead film on campus
I actually watched this days ago at a friends house (to give us the benefit of the doubt, we were high as hell). In all honesty, I hadn't enjoyed a sloppy slab unintentional humor like this in ages. However, a more proper title would have been sorority Roe; it should have been aborted

Welcome to Costco, I love you

Wilbur from the Dunwich Horror?

a decent movie spends $250million and makes you feel sympathy for beautiful, nature loving, sapient aliens. A great movie spends $30 million and makes you sympathetic for hideous, savage arthropod monsters

that goes double for you hip-hop

that goes double for you hip-hop

alarmist at best
a montage of christians/muslims praying with atom bombs detonating. Depicting Gazans as bloodthirsty neo-Nazis. And pretending Islam/Christianity/Mormonism are the only religions on Earth. Thanks to Religulous, no one can say that liberals can't be arrogant bigots. Sorry, but I can't differentiate

rubbed in the wound
alright, no one anticipated a thought-provoking political thriller, but this just abused my suspension of disbelief. Good action movies can include absurd stories and physically impossible stunts (tazing a cop to operate a car, jumping off an overpass without breaking both legs), but Salt tried to

Way too generous AV Club. Now, I was expecting the plot to make no sense, for there to be an obligatory helpless hot chick and legions of incompetent soldiers serving as cannon fodder. But the action scenes were too predictable; they looked like a video game played on easy difficulty. Stallone's