
I'm also assuming this was meant to be "love" as "her fanatics" wouldn't have "loved" it before yesterday when the album came out or perhaps "friday" when it began streaming online. I also love the 'universality' of "anyone else can see."

I loved it. And 'Hello' has a similar sound, but a completely different and pretty simple subject. To each their own, but I found that song to be great. I love the direction it takes after the opening: it's just a universal moment we've all had: the silent, sobbing car drive with a friend whilst the radio plays.

That was a great song, I'll give you that.

LOL. I suspect working for Madonna is like working for Disney: it's a hell of a lot more fun being a visitor to MadonnaLand than selling churros within it! I'll own up to being a fan of hers, and I'll also own that Madge creates crap albums (lord if only I could erase Hard Candy from my aural memory) but that review

With all due respect to the reviewer, I think she kind of missed the point of the album. This is especially obvious regarding her tearing apart of "Turn Up The Radio," easily Madonna's best song since 2001's "Don't Tell Me."