In general or just 2A2Downer's?
It's never stayed that way though.
I don't think Outsourced is much worse than anything they came out with (and subsequently cancelled) over the past 2 years, although I did enjoy Animal Practice and Go On to a limited extent.
Samara doesn't really let you romance her if you push for it.
Team Affrostrepo88!
A little history: SpongytheBruised was the original comment masturbator.
It's a dick comment, but I don't see what's especially dickish about this one compared to his greatest hits.
I clicked on this random article and encountered this comment, the sole one on the page:
The first 131 positive integers
HectorTheWellEndowed's disclosure of his masturbation schedule helps make America safer from terrorist threats.
An attraction? It should be a whole fucking amusement park. And at the end of the day, A GIANT ARM REACHES OUT FROM THE DEPTHS OF THE EARTH AND MURDERS EVERYONE.
That's good. I propose that all of us begin appending -bear to bongoes's username as well as any appropriate adjectives e.g. cuddly wuvly bongo-bear.
Finished in 29 seconds, 0 correct.
I assume you two refer to each other as bongoes and Birdie outside of the AV Club because why not? It'd be perfectly healthy.
Would they know what to think even if they did watch Mad Men?
Noted and ignored. The bitching shall continue.
Wish there was an instrumental version though. The lyrics are pretty goddamn stupid.
I feel like you guys are abusing the term "Worst". It's a separate level of quality from merely "not good".