
Charlie shoving Dennis when they were going into the park was great. I had to go back and watch it again.

I never knew how badly I wanted to see this cast do a choreographed song and dance number until tonight. So jazzed they're back!

I cried when Ilana cried. That being said, my favourite part was when Trey mentioned that his twin sisters were middle school teachers and pretended to be the same person.

This was a fun way to do an episode with a bunch of call backs! Dennis calling Dee a bitch under his breath after their toast with Frank was my favourite part. How quickly they accepted that Frank should go to a home was a close second

Waiting for season 6 to start I figured I would finally have to choose between my beloved Raylan and Boyd and I thought by the end I had picked Raylan but that scene in the barn had me holding my breath. I didn't want to see either of them die! and I'm so glad I didn't have to. I personally thought the ending was

but but but…..Ian and Mickey were going to on a real date!

Wow! I just assumed crazy Sammy told Chuckie to shank someone with that pencil to establish dominance or something but the real outcome cracked me up. Favorite part of the episode for sure.

I was really hoping we'd be treated to some P.Diddy boat dancing when Dee mentioned the dance floor

I love that Dennis reacted to hearing that the women who do his "mani-pedis" were brought over in shipping containers the same way he reacted to hearing about Dooly's suicide. His sad/shocked face is both adorable and hilarious

I wish Dennis mimed strangulation in every episode. That always cracks me up!

"Does it rock your world if I told you we don't discuss open cases with every Joe Dip shit we meet on the street?" was the line of the night for me

Dennis' "what the hell!" When Mac and Charlie were greeting the women killed me.